The artists that I am covering are Survival Research
Laboratories and Rachel Rossin. Survival Research Laboratories builds real
world machine art and other art then uses the machinery to destroy the art,
filming the performances which may or may not be open to the public. I
discovered Rachel Rossin on
and Survival Research Laboratories on
My reason for picking these two artist is because the name Survival Research Laboratories
on an art site caught my interest; it went from there and Rachel Rossin has
made art relating to video games that I play.
Rachel Rossin does video game inspired art, creating art
work and virtual spaces inspired by video games. One is called n=7 / The Wake
of Heat in Collapse, it is a virtual reality scene using warped images in Oculus
Rift ( (BITTANTI, 2015). Much of her art is based on the
concept of lossy the loss of
information when a file is compressed to save space, she compares it to decay
and the warping of reality in a virtual space it her expression of the process
of inevitable decay (Stinson, 15).By Scanning images,
from games, her studio, her painting into Oculus Rift she creates a virtual
Rossin’s own words,
"Descending into a
3-dimensional Dantesque underworld, the viewer navigates a landscape of hacked
architectural and video game imagery, algorithmic collages generated from
famous paintings (e.g. Guernica and Klimt's The Kiss), corporate
signage, browser logos and clippings from scenic destinations."(BITTANTI, 2015).
Another work of hers is After GTA V, is warped scenes from the video game Grand Theft Auto
Five which I have played. Making a surreal abstract work out of a hyper violent
yet immersive video game. Both of these works can be seen on
She also maintains a website
which is also an online gallery she can be contacted through her website it has
numerous other works by her.
Rossen likes to combine both classical art techniques as
well as digital media creating a painting in traditional media then
transferring the image to a digital format manipulating it creating virtual
worlds she is a multi media and
installation artist (BITTANTI, 2015) .She designs exhibits both solo and with groups (ROSSIN,
2015, p. CV)
Survival Research Laboratories was formed in November,
1978 by Mark Pauline (Survival Reseach Laboratories,
They maintain a website which list shows, history and
pictures of SRL. SRL does mechanical art that usually involves some sort of
destructive mechanical device control remotely (Survival Reseach Laboratories, 2015). The have 45 devices
that are used in shows and exhibits in the United States and Europe (Survival
Reseach Laboratories, 2015). Their motto is “Dangerous and Disturbing Mechanical
Productions since 1978 “ a look at the art and you can see why (Survival Reseach Laboratories, 2015).
SRL takes devices intended for use in industrial and
military applications and uses them to create films and exhibits usually with
some socio-political theme involved (Survival Reseach Laboratories,
They also invent some of their own devices and have used the internet to
remotely control machines; they used three machines, one in San Francisco and
two in Tokyo with operators in the opposite city (Survival
Reseach Laboratories, 2015).
Rossen’s work reminds me of the video games that inspire
her, After GTA V, is like a sunset in
the game, only twisted. I like how she will take a painting that she has done
in traditional medium and copy it digital then reimagine it. I watched some
video that of her VR material and I have to wonder what it is like to see it
through the VR goggles. I like how SRL reuses and creates industrial devices
and uses them to create art much of what they do is surreal, violent, and hellish.
The machines cut, crush, tear, burn and shoot objects and other machines in a
display of power that is impressive. It reminds me of a world I read about that
is populated by demonically possessed machines. A lot of people, permissions
and permitting go into a SRL show but it looks like it would certainly be
entertaining. As much of their work is socio-political satire you will
sometimes see images of classical and contemporary objects in a scene which is
often destroyed.
The two artist both are making statements about society
and life, Rossen by expressing decay and change while SRL through chaos and
destruction. They both are creating alternate realities for the viewer through
different medium; Rossin with VR technology and SRL by filming scenes and
sound. Rossin creates painting, digital art and films life while SRL creates mechanical
sculptures puts them in scenes and films the results. Both provide a big visual
experience for the view. Considering what SRL do I wonder what they would do
with VR equipment?
BITTANTI, M. (2015, 12 6). Games scenes.
ROSSIN, R. (2015). Rachel Rossin. Retrieved
from Rachel Rossin:
Stinson, L. (15, 11 13). rachel-rossins-trippy-paintings-of-reality-as-seen-through.
Retrieved from Wired:
Survival Reseach Laboratories. (2015, 12 10). Retrieved from Survival Reseach
wiki. (2015, 10 6).
Retrieved from
After GTA V by Rachel
Research Laboratories Symbol
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